tisdag 13 december 2011

 I felt like going out today and have some beers and talk shit with a couple of friends.. until I checked my bank account... so no beer for Sabine.
 I'm just gonna sit here and try to write something valuable or maybe even something interesting?,  in this shity blogg. 

Today have been one of the worst days I've had since I got back from London. I've had a few but this one sucked..big time.
Just been tired like a fucking buss driver, driving around drunk ass teenagers on a Friday night/morning. 
 Everything that I've put my hands on/hold in my hands either broke, or I dropped it on the floor. So basically I've just being bending over and cursing at my self the entire day...nothing unusual about the cursing part but I don't think the customers  appreciate it..
And now I'm sitting here cursing at my bad fucking English spelling, why do I even bother writing this shit in English?  Well, I like it..

Is it so weird that I distance myself from you when you just treat me like I'm a stupid fuck up that doesn't give a damn? When you blame me for things I didn't even do. Assumptions based on nothing else than your jealousy. Get of that high horse of yours, come down to earth.

Get your facts straight, or get the fuck out of my face. 

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